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Restorative policing

Dr Kerry Clamp (University of Nottingham) and A/PS Russ Massie (Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit) will share insights on restorative policing from their research and professional experience.

Kerry will discuss some of her academic research on the topic and Russ will talk about work within the Thames Valley to use restorative approaches.

Dr Kerry Clamp is an Associate Professor in Criminology at the University of Nottingham, UK. Her research focuses on the application of restorative justice within transitional settings, policing and the community. She has always had a strong interest in practice and a desire to reduce the boundaries between academia, practice and policymaking. She was Editor of the Newsletter for the European Forum for Restorative Justice and Chair of the Editorial Committee (2011-2018) and Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Restorative Justice Council (2018-2021). She currently sits on the International Advisory Board for The International Journal of Restorative Justice. Her latest monograph Restorative Policing in Practice: A Potential Cultural Revolution is due to be published in 2023 by Routledge and will draw on lessons learned from empirical research conducted over the last 5 years on frontline practice.

A/PS Russ Massie joined the Metropolitan Police in 2006 and in 2013 joined Thames Valley Police (TVP), targeting Organised Crime and County Lines gangs before becoming the Safer Schools Officer for Oxford. In 2020 Russ joined the Thames Valley Violence Reduction Unit (TVVRU) and is the TVVRU and TVP Tactical Lead for Child Centred Policing. Russ is passionate about addressing disproportionality in the criminal justice system, particularly through appropriate and fair responses to offending in schools. As TVP’s Schools Policing Coordinator, Russ is responsible for schools policing across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, leading the force’s Safer Schools Officers and developing content for both colleagues and educators to help keep children safe and increase trust and legitimacy in the police. Russ regularly delivers training and CPD to schools and educators and advises other police forces on best practice for schools policing. He is also a guest lecturer at the University of Sheffield.

We will end the event with an opportunity for questions and discussion.

Tickets can be booked on Eventbrite for this ‘Pay As You Feel’ event. Please pay as you are able to help us cover the costs of the event (suggested contribution £5), however a free ticket option is available if you prefer: