Restorative Parenting Podcast

The Restorative Parenting podcast is a space for parents to explore what it means to be a restorative person in family life and think about the ways we can help our children develop a restorative mindset and skills. We’re not experts in parenting, but want to share our experiences to support each other as we pursue a restorative lifestyle.

Each episode features a circle discussion between Joy Bettles, Dr Justine Andreu Darling, Dr Crystena Parker-Shandal, and Dr Lindsey Pointer.

Episodes include:

  • What is restorative parenting? / Highs and lows of restorative parenting

  • Helping our children develop emotional awareness and literacy

  • Working through sibling conflict and rivalry

  • Building our own capacity for restorative responses

Find us on Spotify and Apple Podcasts!