The videos and short films below demonstrate the power of restorative approaches:
Brief introduction to restorative approaches.
Restorative Practice Training: the benefits of system-wide delivery. Key professionals from across Wessex discuss the benefits of Restorative Practice and how it can improve outcomes. This video is developed by NHS Wessex Clinical Networks.
Officers of Derbyshire Constabulary and members of the public talk about their experiences with restorative justice - an alternative resolution process for low level crimes and anti-social behaviour.
To help support Restorative Justice Week, we've launched our 'Giving Victims a Voice' campaign which aims to raise awareness about the benefits of restorative justice and what's involved in the process. Learn more by clicking here.
This video describes restorative approaches at Grey Court Comprehensive and St Richard's Primary Schools People.
Jazz Hands reconstructs an incident where three primary school girls fall out over a dance routine. The headteacher uses an informal approach outside on a bench in the playground to resolve the situation.
This video describes restorative practice in Swansea.
This video describes restorative practice at Carr Manor Primary School, Leeds.
Restorative justice is an alternative to the judicial system that is proving successful around the world in keeping youth offenders out of jail and reducing recidivism. A partner process, restorative circles, is a community-based system that supports those involved in conflict by bringing together the parties involved and creating conditions for mutually beneficial action.