Vince Mercer (Restorative Practice Lead, The AIM Project), will be speaking on some of the practice implications of using restorative approaches in cases of sexual harm.
Some of the topics covered will include:
'Restorative justice doesn't do sex cases?’ Why not?
Securing safe and appropriate practice
The strengths and weaknesses of a formal assessment process
Some theoretical perspectives on victim 'recovery', offender desistence and trauma informed work
Practice standards
Wider professional engagement
We also hope to leave a generous amount of time for questions and further discussion.
This event is free of charge, although as a charity we appreciate contributions towards the costs of this event. You can ‘pay as you feel’ when booking your free ticket or you can donate on our website:
Booking essential! Book now on Eventbrite to receive the Zoom link:
You may also be interested in the other event in this series: Complexities of restorative justice in cases of sexual harm: learning from practice and research in the Thames Valley